As Told by Emoji is a series of short, animated adaptations of various Disney properties told through the use of stylized emoticons. The shorts are produced by Disney + and have been viewed over 200 million times.
The series takes popular and recognizable Disney features and reimagines the characters, as well as various scenes from the film, such as emoticons and other features, showcasing the short within the confines of a mobile phone.
My Role: VFX Supervisor// Animator// Lead Compositor// Live Action Elements// Joke Writer
Join emoji-fied versions of Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, Flash, Bogo, Bellwether, and more as they retell Disney's Zootopia
A little forgetful like Dory? Catch up with emoji-fied versions of Dory, Nemo, Marlin, Crush, and more fishy friends as they retell the story of Disney/Pixar’s "Finding Nemo."
Join emojified versions of Belle, Beast, Gaston, Lumiere, Cogsworth, and more in this beastly retelling of Disney's Beauty and the Beast.
Join emojified versions of Dory, Marlin, Nemo, and new friends Hank, Bailey, and Destiny in this hilarious and adorable retelling of #Disney #Pixar's latest film, FindingDory!
This is Halloween ... As Told By Emoji! Watch emoji-fied versions of Jack Skellington, Sally, Oogie Boogie, and more of your favorite spooky characters as they retell Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas like you've never seen before. This one premiered at the Hollywood Bowl during intermission of TNBC preformed by Danny Elfman.